The pasta encyclopedia just a click away!

Find out everything you've always wanted to know about pasta (and never dared to ask). News, insights, curiosities, history and production techniques of the most common and less common formats.

Pasta artigianale per l'8 marzo: Fullisoni con fricassea e barbabietola

Artisan pasta for March 8th: Fullisoni with fricassee and beetroot

An elegant and colorful first course to celebrate March 8th.
San Valentino in cucina: 3 ricette di pasta artigianale da provare

Valentine's day in the kitchen: 3 artisan pasta recipes to try

In this article, you'll discover 3 artisan pasta recipes perfect for Valentine's Day—easy to make yet impressively delicious.
3 curiosità sulla pasta artigianale italiana

3 curious facts about italian artisanal pasta

Discover 3 fascinating facts about Italian artisan pasta: from Sicily, the first major production center, to the laws that protected its quality, and the evolution of natural drying. A journey through tradition, innovation, and passion...
Terra Madre Salone del Gusto 2024: Il Pastificio Fabbri al fianco di Slow Food Toscana

Terra Madre Salone del Gusto 2024: Pastificio Fabbri Supporting Slow Food Tuscany

For over thirty years, we have shared Slow Food's commitment to healthy and sustainable eating. By participating in the Mercati della Terra, we promote a short and high-quality supply chain, perfectly aligned with Slow Food's...
Dove mangiare Pasta Fabbri a Firenze e dintorni? Pt.1

Where to eat pasta Fabbri in Florence and surroundings? Pt. 1

Guide to Restaurants and Trattorias Where You Can Eat Pasta Fabbri (Part 1)
La pasta di grani antichi: un’alleata per la digestione

Ancient Grain Pasta: A Ally for Digestion

The case study of Alessandra’s son, who had digestive Issues
Connessione tra pasta e vino - in collaborazione con Triple A

Connection Between Pasta and Wine - in Collaboration with Triple A

A deep reflection on the world of pasta and wine, two realms rich in similarities.
Come leggere l'etichetta di un pacco di pasta

How to read the label on a package of pasta

In a complex food sector, the label is the only reliable point of reference. However, it is often unclear. Here is a guide to reading the label on our pasta packaging so you know exactly...
Grano Antico VS Grano Moderno: scopri le differenze

Ancient Grain vs Modern Grain: discover the differences

Do you know the difference between these two types of wheat? And why is it important to understand the longevity of wheat?
Pasta Fabbri al Velier Live Milano 2024

Pasta Fabbri at Velier Live Milan 2024

On February 18th and 19th, 2024, we had the honor of participating in Velier Live Milano 2024, an extraordinary event organized by the prestigious company Velier.
Come ottenere la mantecatura perfetta: i consigli di Marco Fabbri per avere una pasta cremosa

How to obtain the perfect creaminess: Marco Fabbri's tips for creamy pasta

Mantecatura is a crucial step, and if done correctly, it can drastically change the outcome of your dish.
Come cucinare un piatto di pasta fredda

How to make pasta salad

Whether you're working in the office or enjoying a relaxing day at the beach, a plate of cold pasta is the perfect solution for these summer occasions.
Cottura della pasta: 3 errori da evitare

Cooking pasta: 3 mistakes to avoid

Preparing an artisanal pasta dish is an extraordinary culinary experience that deserves to be carried out with attention and care. However, even the most experienced chefs can make mistakes that can affect the final result.
Il Senatore Cappelli: origine, benefici e consigli utili in cucina

Senatore Cappelli: origin, benefits and useful advice in the kitchen

Senatore Cappelli is a variety of durum wheat originating from Italy, rediscovered in recent years for its reputation as an excellent wheat.
Perché si usa la semola di grano duro per produrre la pasta?

Why do we use durum wheat semolina to make pasta?

When we produce dry pasta, we use water and durum wheat semolina, not soft wheat flour. Why? Do you know the difference?
Un formato di pasta particolare: il disco volante

A special pasta shape: the disco volante

What makes this reality even more fascinating is that every time we enjoy a plate of pasta, we can appreciate not only its flavor but also its connection to culture and culinary tradition.
Penne lisce o rigate?

Penne lisce or rigate?

The Birth of 'Penne' and the Genius of Giovanni Battista Capurro
Come si producono gli spaghetti?

How is spaghetti made?

Have you ever wondered how spaghetti is made before it gets packaged?
Come riconoscere una pasta artigianale che fa bene alla salute

How to recognise artisanal pasta that is good for the health

In Italy, only in 2021, 4 million tons of pasta were produced, arriving on millions of tables both in Italy and abroad.