Do you want to know everything, absolutely everything about Pastificio Fabbri?

In this section, you will find a selection of articles and excerpts from publications that have dedicated space to our history and the production philosophy that guides every choice we make when it comes to pasta.

SCATTI DI GUSTO - rivista online 2024

SCATTI DI GUSTO - online magazine 2024

Scatti di Gusto celebrates the Fabbri family’s production method and recommends 5 restaurants where you can enjoy Fabbri Pasta.
RAI - Officina Italia 2024

RAI - Officina Italia 2024

In the episode dedicated to the world of pasta, a symbol of Made in Italy, Pastificio Artigiano Fabbri is also featured.
FORBES - 100 eccellenze italiane 2024 - Pastificio Artigiano Fabbri

FORBES - 100 Italian Excellencies 2024 - Pastificio Artigiano Fabbri

Founded in 1893, the Fabbri pasta factory still produces today following the traditional production methods.
Pasta&Pastai: grani antichi vs moderni con il Pastificio Artigiano Fabbri

Pasta&Pastai: ancient vs. modern grains with Pastificio Artigiano Fabbri

Pasta from ancient grains: high-quality pasta, more digestible and nutritious
“Le Figaro Magazine” nel Pastificio Fabbri: bonjour de la France !

“Le Figaro Magazine” nel Pastificio Fabbri: bonjour de la France !

Giovanni Fabbri knows everything about pasta. And he proudly shows visitors around his business. Beyond the durum wheat semolina that enters the factory, sourced from old varieties still cultivated by a few farmers, the secret...
La Nazione di Firenze: il Pastificio Fabbri premiato da Confartigianato Impresse Firenze a Palazzo Vecchio

La Nazione of Florence: Pastificio Fabbri awarded by Confartigianato Imprese Firenze at Palazzo Vecchio

A story that begins in the last decade of the 19th century when great-great-grandfather Giovanni Fabbri purchased a plot of land in the square of Strada in Chianti and started a business in milling, pasta...
Giovanni Fabbri ne “La prova del cuoco” – Rai 1

Giovanni Fabbri on 'La Prova del Cuoco' – Rai 1

Giovanni Fabbri opens the doors of his pasta factory to the crew of 'Aspettando Antonella' in Strada in Chianti.
Dissapore: il Pastificio Fabbri fra i pastifici artigianali senza rivali

Dissapore: Pastificio Fabbri among the unrivaled artisanal pasta makers

These are 'Minipastifici,' artisanal pasta makers that, despite prices up to 10 times higher than their industrial counterparts – we’re talking about 4 euros compared to 50/60 cents – manage to sell even in Fiji,...
Valentino Rossi sceglie Pasta Fabbri

Valentino Rossi chooses Pasta Fabbri

The Pastificio Artigiano Fabbri of Strada in Chianti has been a partner and official supplier to the hospitality teams of Yamaha and LCR in MotoGP for four years, which means that champions Valentino Rossi, Jorge...
Pasta Fabbri prima in classifica sulla rivista gastronomica “Gambero Rosso”

Fabbri Pasta ranks first in the food magazine 'Gambero Rosso'

The 'toscani spaghettoni,' made from Italian semolina provided by the Borgioli mill in Calenzano, are dried at under 38°C for six full days in traditional static drying rooms. They are champions of the super macaroni:...
Giovanni Fabbri parla della sua Pasta su Rai1

Giovanni Fabbri talks about his pasta on Rai1

Elisa Isoardi and Massimiliano Ossini teach us how to choose the best pasta with the help of Giovanni Fabbri, an artisan producer of dry pasta, and Davide Oltolini, a food and wine journalist
“La pasta di Luna Rossa e Yamaha” – Un articolo sui Fabbri nel “Pasta&Pastai”

The pasta of Luna Rossa and Yamaha" – An article about Fabbri in 'Pasta&Pastai'

Pastificio Fabbri is the official supplier of the Luna Rossa team and a partner of Yamaha Moto GP. The decision to source from the company in Strada in Chianti (Fi) is due to the high...
Giovanni Fabbri ospitato al programma enogastronomico “Occhio alla Spesa” – Rai 1

Giovanni Fabbri featured on the food and wine show 'Occhio alla Spesa' – Rai 1

Giovanni introduces us to his pasta and his famous production method, which prioritizes low temperatures and old wheat varieties.
Lo spaghettone Fabbri all’onore della cronoca nella rivista Pastaria

The Fabbri Spaghettone in the spotlight of the magazine Pastaria

It is a spaghetti with a diameter of 3 millimeters and a length of 260 millimeters, making it particularly thick, but also rough and porous to better hold sauces. It is produced in two versions:...
Il Pastificio Fabbri nel Gourmet Traveller

Pastificio Fabbri in Gourmet Traveller

Giovanni Fabbri, one of the only eight artisanal pasta producers left in Italy today, has incorporated pasta into his DNA. The origins of his family go back several generations. The family pasta factory has been...
Giovanni Fabbri fa la Pasta su Rai1 – Linea Verde

Giovanni Fabbri makes pasta on Rai1 – Linea Verde

Giovanni, the fourth owner of Pastificio Fabbri, explains how pasta is made using a stone mill and a traditional press
Il Corriere Fiorentino annuncia l’apertura del Museo Fabbri

Corriere Fiorentino announces the opening of the Fabbri Museum

Don’t call it a pasta museum," says Giovanni Fabbri, "because to be honest, what I’ve spent years researching is the history of the Fabbri family, master pasta makers for over a hundred years and millers...
Gambero Rosso: Lo famoso chef Adriano Baldassare consiglia gli spaghettoni Fabbri per la sua ricetta “Ajo e Ojo”

Gambero Rosso: The famous chef Adriano Baldassare recommends Fabbri Spaghettoni for his 'Ajo e Ojo' recipe

The Spaghettoni Ajo, Ojo, and fresh chili pepper by Adriano Baldassare with pasta from Strada in Chianti.
Giovanni Fabbri a “Uno Mattina” – Rai 1

Giovanni Fabbri on 'Uno Mattina' – Rai 1

Giovanni Fabbri tells us all about the making of homemade pasta using his vintage presses while the chefs cook his pasta
Il pastificio Fabbri sul Canale 3 Toscana – Con il Consorzio agrario di Siena

The Fabbri pasta factory on Canale 3 Toscana – With the Agricultural Consortium of Siena

Giovanni Fabbri, fourth generation of artisan pasta makers, opens the doors of his pasta factory to show us all the stages of pasta production: from dough mixing to packaging.
Il Pastificio Artigiano Fabbri all’interno del “Gambero Rosso”

Pastificio Artigiano Fabbri in 'Gambero Rosso

Article about Fabbri pasta made with the ancient wheat variety 'Cappelli' in the gastronomic monthly magazine 'Gambero Rosso.'
La rivista gastronomica Gambero Rosso rende omaggio alla pasta Fabbri

The gastronomic magazine Gambero Rosso pays tribute to Fabbri pasta

Minor leagues Heroes : “La Pasta Fabbri” is “one of the best” artisanal pasta producers in Italy. When you wander into Italian food shops, the brands and packaging of major pasta producers are familiar, and...
La rivista Gambero Rosso rende omaggio alla pasta Fabbri

The Gambero Rosso magazine pays tribute to Fabbri pasta

The Tuscan Spaghetto: Fabbri’s flagship product. Alongside the large pasta factories that, thanks to cutting-edge technology, have made Italian pasta famous worldwide, there are many other smaller businesses that have won the trust and taste...